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Laboratório de Malacologia

Estudando moluscos no Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Bem Vindo ao nosso Laboratório!

Aqui no Laboratório de Malacologia nós fazemos ciência com os moluscos, animais de corpo mole muito caracterizados pela presença de uma concha, embora nem todos os membros do filo Mollusca possuam uma concha. Dentro da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, somos o único centro de pesquisa no Departamento de Biologia que trabalha com biologia marinha e a maior coleção malacológica do estado.

Nesse contexto nós identificamos, investigamos a ecologia, reprodução, genética, histologia e fazemos levantamento da fauna dos moluscos a fim de entender como a diversidade desses organismos funciona na prática, fora dos livros, e como o ambiente (principalmente antrópico) pode impactar nas populações naturais desses bichinhos.

Todo esse trabalho se deve à própria Universidade Federal, pelo espaço físico e filosófico, às agência de fomento como CAPES, CNPq, FAPES, Facitec, às políticas públicas que sustentam a pesquisa no Brasil e dentre muitos outros que financiam nosso trabalho e tornam possível toda nossa produção científica.

Então, não perde tempo e abre nosso blog para acompanhar o que a gente vem fazendo por aqui!

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Publicações Recentes

Size, season and origin of gastropods matter in imposex assessments

Maio de 2018

Through controlled exposure to tributyltin (TBT), the effects of season, size, and population origin were evaluated on imposex incidence in Stramonita brasiliensis. Four experiments were carried out with organisms collected from three different sites on the Brazilian coast (Torres - Rio Grande do Sul, Farol de Santa Marta - Santa Catarina, and Aracruz - Espírito Santo). S. brasiliensis were anesthetized, sexed, measured, classified by size in small (< 30 mm), medium (≥ 30 to ≤ 40 mm), or big (> 40 mm) and injected in the foot muscle with 0.5 μg g-1 of TBT. Organisms were maintained during one month in aquariums with clear marine water under controlled laboratory conditions. One month after injection, the imposex assessments showed that the population from the southeast (tropical) region was more sensitive to TBT than the population from the south of Brazil (the temperate region). A greater sensitivity in the small and medium categories was observed. Females were also more susceptible to TBT when exposed during their reproductive period. Thus, the present study highlighted the need to ensure that intrinsic biological factors related to organisms are considered in such biomonitoring studies to avoid misinterpretation of results.

A temporal and spatial monitoring of organotin pollution in a harborside region of Brazil by imposex and ecological quality ratio using Leucozonia nassa

Dezembro de 2017

This study represents the first use of Leucozonia nassa (Mollusca-Gastropoda) in a program of long-term monitoring. Specimens of L. nassa were collected between 2006 and 2014 and analyzed for the occurrence of imposex in two areas in Southeastern Brazil, one control area and another characterized by the presence of many ports and marinas. Imposex was evaluated in nine sites based on the percentage of females exhibiting imposex (I%), relative penis length index and vas deferens sequence index, classical indices to evaluate tributyltin (TBT) impacts. Moreover, this study uses for the first time in a tropical environment the ecological quality ratio (EQR), an approach to verify the imposex levels as an indicator of the impact by organotin compounds according to the EU Water Framework Directive. The results confirm the occurrence of high levels of imposex in L. nassa with all the indices evaluated. Furthermore, the results also indicate that, despite the international ban, antifouling paints based on TBT are still possibly used in Brazil. In addition, this study shows that L. nassa has the characteristics that make it a suitable bioindicator to monitor TBT pollution, and that the use of the EQR may create important data regarding this problem.

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Entre em Contato

Laboratório de Malacolgoia

Edifício Lydia Behar - Bloco B (Botânica)

Departamento de Ciências Biológicas
Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Goiabeiras
Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514,  Vitória - ES

CEP: 29075-910

(27) 4009 - 2589

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